문제 정의에 필요한 설득력, AI를 활용한 문제 해결 능력을 기르기 위해 공부하고 있습니다.
공연 포스터의 저작권 침해 예방과 창의적 창작을 위한 이미지 검색 및 생성 웹 서비스
포스터 디자인의 저작권 침해 탐지를 위한 고차원 벡터 데이터베이스 구현
취업 준비생들을 위한 취업 준비 솔루션 웹 서비스
저작권 침해 예방 및 인식 개선을 위한 저작권 이미지 유사도 분석 웹 서비스
시니어를 위한 수요 예측 기반 제주 관광지 추천 서비스
PyTorch, OpenCV, Diffusers, Pillow, Accelerate, Transformers
Main roleTeam Leader, Fine-Tuning Code Implementation, Final Presentation (Fine-Tuning Section)
PyTorch, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Numpy, Pandas, Seaborn
Main roleTeam Leader, Model Implementation, Final Presentation
Python, JS
Main roleFront-End (Chrome Extension) Implementation
PyTorch, OpenCV, Flask, MySQL, OpenAI API (DALL-E 3), FAISS, HTML, CSS, JS, Elastic Beanstalk, Naver Cloud Platform, NAVER PAPAGO API
Main roleTeam Leader, Idea Planning, Client and Application Development, Web site Deployment, Final Presentation
TensorFlow, MySQL, Pandas, OpenCV
Main rolePose Estimation Model Research, Domain Knowledge Acquisition, DB Development, Video Data Preprocessing
OpenAI API (davinci-002), Google Web Speech API, T5, Flask
Main roleIdea Planning, ML Model and API Research, API Server Implementation, Final Presentation
PyTorch, Scikit-learn, SQLite, Flask, Numpy, Pillow, OpenCV, HTML, CSS, JS
Main roleTeam Leader, Idea Planning, Model Research, Web Service Implementation, Mid-term and Final Presentation
PyTorch, Streamlit, Pandas, Numpy
Main roleIdea Planning, Modeling and Web Prototype Implementation, Final Presentation
AI bias analysis and visualization project using text data (24.09. ~ 24.11.)
Online Career Mentoring (24.11. ~ 24.12.)
Coursera - Deep Learning Specialization (24.07. ~ 24.08.)
Gemma Sprint (24.08. ~ 24.10.): Implementing Chrome Extensions for Learning Concentration Analysis with Gemma 2
23-2 study: Learn AI thoery, Perform mini project about tracking football players
24-1 study: Review linear algebra, Research on AI Papers
side project: lms Lecture Summary + Summary Management Web Service Implementation, ML Part
1st, study: DB, Web, Python, ML/DL theory and programming practice
2nd, project: Implement web service called CHECK-IN (CHECK copyright INfringement)